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Do you want to keep track of the gas mileage of your car? Especially with increasing gas prices it is very helpful to know, how much gas your car is consuming. This knowledge can help you to optimize your driving habit and safe significant amounts of money on gas. MileageMeter offers the following functionalities
  • Show the average gas mileage for each tank of gas
  • Record re-fuelings and calculate gas/fuel mileage of up to 20 different cars
  • Calculate statistics like average gas mileage, best and worst gas mileage, gas spend per mile, most miles with one tank, average distance driven per day and total amount spend for gas
  • Multiple charts like gas mileage over time diagram, gas price over time
  • Switch between Miles / MPG or Km / liters per 100km
  • Import / Export fill-up data to a Desktop PC or Mac
MileageMeter is a native Blackberry® application, which means the look and feel is the same as what you are used to in the standard Blackberry® applications.

Blackberry MileageMeter application keeping track of gas/fuel cost

(c) thinkOmatics 2008-09
Contact us at support@thinkomatics.de