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Mileage Meter re-fill list This list of fill-ups is the main screen of Mileage Meter. It gives you a good overview of your recent fill-ups and the achieved gas mileage. You can maintain such fill-up lists for up to 20 different cars. The number of visible columns in the fill-up list depends on the screen resolution of your blackberry and the font size you have configured. You can override the standard font size of your BlackBerry® for this list in the Mileage Meter settings dialog.
This dialog is used to enter or edit fill-up data. Once you have entered two of the three values for 'price per gallon', 'Gallons' or 'Total price' Mileage Meter will automatically calculate the correct value for the third one. Add gas re-refill screen
Statistic screenStatistic screen
The charts give you a good overview about the trends of the gas related key figures. The following charts are available
  • Gas mileage over time
  • Gas mileage over miles
  • Gas price over time
  • Miles drive per day over time

Statistic screen
Statistic screen
The statistic screen provides details about all aspects of the gas consumption of your car and your driving habits. Statistic screen
Settings Screen On the settings screen you can change the units from 'MPG and Miles' to 'l/100km and Km'. If you change the units all the values you entered previously will be automatically converted.

The settings screen also offers the possibility to change the font size of the fill-up list.

Furthermore you can change/add/remove/rename the current car.

Via the menu of the settings screen you can export and import the fill-up data to a comma-separated-value (csv) file. Csv-Files can be opened and edited in most spreadsheet programs, e.g. Excel

(c) thinkOmatics 2008-09
Contact us at support@thinkomatics.de